Monday, March 9, 2009

Obion Kanobion's Biography (During and after the events of A New Hope part 2)

Here's part 2. Enjoy.

Years later, during the Battle of Endor he was part of the Endor strike team. While Han Solo was inside the shield generator bunker planting the charges, he was outside protecting the bunker. In 8 ABY he was stationed on board the Luskanya, a super star destroyer in New Republic control. Nineteen years later in 27 ABY he helped prepare the Luskanya for Operation: Emperor’s Spear, the operation that would kill the Yuuzhan Vong’s worldship. The operation involved the Luskanya flying at full speed into the worldship, piercing it and destroying it. During an attempt to rid the galaxy of the Empire Remnant, he and a fleet of Galactic Alliance ships engaged an Empire Remnant fleet, containing the Abyss, a Super Star Destroyer. Obion infiltrated the ship and encountered its captain, Michalle Rushcar, a force-sensitive and user of the dark side. They engaged in a lightsaber duel. Obion was able to make it to his target, the reactor control room. He ordered the fleet to leave the system. He ran up to the reactor control console and overloaded the reactor, creating a massive explosion destroying The Abyss, Michalle Rushcar, the majority of the remnant fleet, and Obion.


  1. nice keep up the good work
    and when it comes out u gonna play KOTOR 3

  2. guess what i might start play SWG soon my porsonal issues are done
