Sunday, February 8, 2009

Obion Kanobion's Biography (Prior to the events of A New Hope)

Before reading this post please note that when I use the term "BBY" that stands for "Before the Battle of Yavin" which is the battle that takes place in A New Hope. Enjoy.

Obion Kanobion was born to a poor Trandoshan family living in Trandosha’s capitol city in 48 BBY. At age two Jedi master Jhone Troller took him into the Republic to be trained as a Jedi. In 42 BBY he participated in his first battle, the skirmish in the Coruscant slums. This battle was a result of two opposing thug factions meeting, the Jedi Order decided to intervene. He became a Jedi Knight in 34 BBY after his longtime friend and former master, Jhone Troller recommended him to the Jedi High Council. After passing the master trials, Obion became a Jedi Master in 25 BBY. In 21 BBY during the First Battle of Ossus Obion was leading his battalion of clones into a CIS encampment when a grenade exploded next to him, rendering him unconscious and causing him to lose his left eye. He was captured by the CIS and held in a prison on Sullust until early 20 BBY when Jedi Knight Rees Alrix led an invasion of Sullust, freeing him. In 19 BBY Obion led the Republic invasion of Trandosha. While he was commanding his venator-class cruiser, the Forward Unto Dawn Order 66 was issued. A battalion of clones was sent to his private quarters. Having sensed the disturbance in the force caused by Order 66 already, he quickly dispatched the clones. Making the crew believe that the ship was hit by CIS anti-air mortar with a mind trick, he issued the order to abandon the ship. Once the crew had left the ship, he took control of it and set its course to a backwater world named Tatooine. He made an alternate personality on Tatooine and got a job as Mos Eisly’s local doctor. He married Yishcan Trammar, a beautiful Zabrak female in 18 BBY. His son, Bellum Dominus was born in 17 BBY. Once the rebellion was founded in 2 BBY he joined up and went back to using the force openly.


  1. Hey obion remember me its damienownz
    sorry i havent been able to play
    i really hope to be able to start up again
    im guessing u still play?
    i wish i could
    but did u hear that kotor 3 is going to be a mmo and it has been confirmed
    well please message me back at

  2. i really hope u get this message i will be waiting for a response

  3. also if u do (and hopefully) get this message and email me (dont just reply to this comment because chances are that i will prob never check this account again lol)will u mind mentioning if u are intrested in KOTOR 3 because how great would that be...a reunion except on a differnet game

  4. oh and another thing(sorry about all the comments i just keep on thinking of new things to say lol)dont forget to mention me in ur bio =) lol say i was like kiddnapped or something lol

    (thats the link to the official kotor 3 website)

  6. idk how to tell if ur online so please write back as soon as possible

  7. Yeh, I still play... the guild was renamed to ULD or United League of Defense. Then, it disbanded we now have a new guild with me as the leader. Its called RSAca or Rogue Squadron Academy.

  8. dude that is awesome, hasnt the guild disbanded before i came also? u wanna email me soon and when it comes out u gonna play kotor 3?
